HERBAL SUPPLEMENT - Woman Libido And Progesterone Natural Product

Women's Herbal Sex Supplements

Is Nature's Cure Right for You?

How do you know if your women's health symptoms would respond well to women's herbal supplements? By educating yourself. That's where we come in. Our objective is to provide you with scientific information on women's natural health care.

Whether you are searching for information about women's health symptoms, women's herbal supplements, herbal hot flash remedies, or natural depression remedies, we are here to help address your natural health care concerns and help you find the perfect nature's cure.

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Why are women's health problems unique?

Men's and women's normal physiology is significantly different in virtually every system of the body. Women's risk factors, symptoms, outcomes, and disease experiences are different. (Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine, April 2018)
"Outpatient visits by women differ from those of men in ways that reflect women's unique healthcare needs ." (Journal of Womens Health, April 2014)
"Our pain is a uniquely female issue...and many of our physicians simply don't understand how to deal with it." (Karen Baar in Dr. Mark Young's Women and Pain)
There are health differences between the sexes more than simply differences in structure and "wiring" of the brain; female brains respond differently to hormones and chemicals (Nutrition Research, 2015)

Why consider Herbal Supplements For Women's Libido ?

Natural health care and medicinal plants have a long history and have been common practices of traditional medicine in many countries. (Nutrition, January 2014)
Many studies indicate that herbal remedies are effective and safe. You'll see references to these natural health care studies throughout our site, especially studies related to women's herbal supplements.
"Herbs aren't used only to treat disease. Many products support your body's ability to withstand disease and some of the stressors that might be precursors to illness." (Dr. Johns, Women and Pain)
Women's herbal supplements can help you treat the cause of your pain by using natural health care by helping the body heal itself instead of masking the symptoms. "Treating the cause of the pain...is the only way to heal pain." (Darrell Stoddard, Pain Free for Life)

Herbal Hot Flash Remedies Woman Sex Life

Which herbal hot flash remedies are right for you?

We could jump right in and tell you that women have traditionally taken black cohosh or DHEA as hot flash remedies, but we believe you deserve the information to make an informed decision about which herbal hot flash remedy or combination of remedies are most appropriate for your situation. Your body is unique, and you deserve to have a specially designed herbal wellness program. You can also read how Libido Booster Works .

You need a combination approach! Many women have successfully used herbal hot flash remedies; unfortunately, some women have just bought a bottle or two herbs and have not found relief. This is because most women need an herbal wellness program, not just a bottle of herbs.

Why? We believe it is because menopause changes occur not only in the ovaries, but also in the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, pineal and pituitary glands. Used judiciously, herbs provide micronutrients that support these body systems, allowing them to work together to relieve your symptoms.

Herbal hot flash remedies work by supporting the body's systems so that balance may be reached, enabling the body to be relieved of physical pain and sickness. Our goal is to help you determine which herbal wellness program is right for you!

What are hot flashes?

Sudden flushing and sweating...a feeling that your "blood is hot"
Hot flashes often cause night sweats, interrupting sleep patterns

When is it "normal" to have hot flashes?

Often occurs in perimenopause and menopause
Hot flashes are most common menopause symptoms
Menopause often begins in a woman's 40's or 50's
Hysterectomy throws the body into surgical menopause
8 out of 10 menopausal women experience hot flashes
If Men having some issue they can go for herbal product , Get details

What causes hot flashes?

Studies suggest hormone imbalances (particularly estrogen) may change the part of the brain that regulates body temperature and the width of blood vessels As women age their estrogen levels drop, inducing menopause. Studies have linked menopause and the drop in estrogen to hot flashes.

How does estrogen work in the body?

Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and the adrenal cortices. There are 3 forms of estrogen:

estradiol - also called E2 or 17-beta, is the main estrogen made by women’s ovaries before menopause
estrone - also called E1, this is the main estrogen found in women after menoapuse. It is a weaker estrogen produced both in the ovaries and in fat tissue from other hormones
estriol - also called E3, this is the weakest of the three main forms of estrogen and it is made by the body from other estrogens
Estrogens (especially estradiol) essentially transform our bodies from little girls to women, providing us with reproductive capabilities.
Estrogens travel through the bloodstream to estrogen receptors where the estrogen molecules bind. These receptors are found in the heart, blood vessels, uterus, vagina, bladder, brain, liver, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and bones. Estrogen is responsible for many bodily functions, and estrogen imbalance or low estrogen has been linked to hot flashes.

Role of Progesterone

While a woman is ovulating, progesterone is produced by the ovaries. Women can begin to skip ovulation cycles in their 30's, causing an upset in the estrogen/progesterone balance. This may cause hormonal weight gain, sleep disturbances, depression, hot flashes, cramps, uterine fibroids, and irregular menstrual cycles. You may need an herbal hot flash remedy to countact this imbalance.

Types of Progestogens

There are differences in the chemical structure of progestin and progesterone (both of which are categorized as progestogens). “Progesterone” means the endogenous hormone produced by the ovaries. “Natural progesterone” is the bio-identical hormone product that is chemically the same as that produced by your body. “Progestin” refers to synthetic progestogens that have altered chemical structures (Source: Project Aware).

Natural progesterone, such as those found in several women's herbal supplements, causes fewer side effects and is practically nontoxic and less expensive than the synthetic progesterone (progestin) included in many forms of HRT (Women's Health In Primary Care 1998: 1(8):671-687).

Progesterone/Estrogen Balance

Even if your body suffers from low estrogen, you can still be "estrogen dominant." John Lee, M.D., was one of the most respected doctors to ever support the theory that progesterone/estrogen imbalance may play a bigger role in hot flashes, pms, perimenopause, and menupause symptoms than indicated by earlier studies. Luckily, there are herbal hot flash remedies that will help you achieve this perfect balance!

Compare Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) to herbal hot flash remedies.

Herbal medicine is based on the theory that symptoms (such as hot flashes) are the body's responses to underlying causes (in this case, usually a hormone imbalance).

Herbal Hot Flash Remedies Synthetic HRT
Taken as intended, hot flash remedies discussed herein have not been linked to increased health risks Linked to increased risk of ovarian and breast cancers, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots (Source: Discovery Health)
Provides supports so the body may experience nature's changes naturally without discomfort Masks symptoms
Can benefit other body systems when used as part of an herbal wellness program No evidence that HRT promotes other body systems
Does not cause estrogen receptors to reject natural estrogen May modify cellular estrogen receptors so they only accept synthetic estrogen
Mimics progesterone created by the body Has a different chemical structure than natural progesterone
Herbs help the body naturally balance hormone levels, so there is less chance of getting "too little" or "too much" Too little contributes to osteoporosis and menopause symptoms (including hot flashes); too much may contribute to cancer and other health risks

Which of these herbal hot flash remedies is right for me?

We don't believe there is one simple approach for every woman. Your body and situation is unique and calls for a personalized approach. We encourage you to review the pages that are linked below to help you decide which lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements are most appropriate for your body.

If you are experience perimenopause, find out which herbal hot flash remedies can counteract all your symptoms and allow you to enjoy your life again! Celebrate womanhood by helping your body regain its natural rhythm.